Modern Library Dust Jackets |
This section displays images sorted by known dust jacket designers/illustrators (sometimes we don't know if they were one, the other, or both) for titles printed in the years 1928 through 1975. It includes pictorial, design, and non-boilerplate text styles found on flexie's and hardbacks, plus illustrated acetates and box images. For a much larger database of images sorted by author and expanded to include P-series numbered paperbacks (as opposed to the college paperback editions), see Introduction to the Modern Library Database. The names of these artists and their dust jackets, and in many cases the images themselves, were submitted by members of the ML Mailing List e-mail discussion group. They learned the names by carefully looking at dust jackets in their own collections, by comparing styles, or by researching. The list is incomplete. If you know of others, please e-mail me. Thanks to April Hearn (proprietor of The Bookworm, Oroville, California) for many recent updates to the illustrator names and jacket designs. Here's major contibutor Barry Neavill's list of designers. Check it out!!! Key to the EntriesClick a designer/illustrator's name to see that designer's dust jackets. On a designer/illustrator's page, click Click |
Challenge: What are the first names of the artists with just last names listed above? What are the names of the artists for whom I have only initials? Are there artists I've missed? Let me know! |