1946 - "That traitor Pound is out!!!" (67.1) ... Er, "That poet Pound is in!!!" (67.2)
New York Times, Jan 13, 1946
Segment from a "this and that" column
(Click to download full column as .pdf file)
New York Times, Mar 14, 1946
(Click to download .pdf file)
1947 Prices: $1.10 regular, $1.95 giant.
New York Times, Jan 5, 1947
1948 Prices: $1.25 regular, $2.45 giant. The ad on the right from a local bookseller offers the purchaser's name stamped in 24 kt. gold in any books purchased at no extra charge. (It doesn't say where in the book the name is stamped.) Both ads offer to pay the postage if the order itself is prepaid.
New York Times, Mar 7, 1948
(Click to download .pdf file)
New York Times, Nov 7, 1948
(Click to download .pdf file)