George Meredith
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel - 134
1927 - 1927
1929 - 1931
1933 - 1939
1940 - 1970
Diana of the Crossways - 014
1917 - 1917
1919 - 1919
1923 - 1923
same text as 1st, different layout; uppercase in title
same text; upper/lowercase in title; yet another layout
1929 - 1939
1941 - 1956
The Egoist - 253
1947 - 1966
1966 - 1970
Works by this author in Modern Library anthologies include:
(multiple selections)
Anthology of Famous English and American Poetry
The Old Chartist
The Poetry of Freedom
The Punishmant of Shahpesh, the Persian, on Khipil, the Builder
An Anthology of Famous British Stories