Giant Editions Sorted by Year |
Here are all giant-sized Modern Library titles through 1970 sorted by year of first publication, and within each year sorted alphabetically by title. This page, an expanded hypertext version of a chart originally appearing in the Toledano Guide, includes titles and variations discovered by members of the Modern Library E-mail Group after publication of the Guide's final edition. Scroll to find the year you're looking for, or just click the year in the following table. For more information about any title, click its name and you'll be transported to it on its author's page. For a similar list covering regular editions, see Regular Editions Sorted by Year. Please let me know if you spot any omissions or errors in this list. |
G003.1 |
Hugo |
G002.1 |
Boswell |
G001.1 |
Tolstoy |
G004.1 |
Keats etc. |
G006.1 |
Gibbon |
G007.1 |
Gibbon |
G005.1 |
Plutarch |
G008.1 |
Austen |
G011.1 |
Montaigne |
G009.1 |
Young |
G012.1 |
Scott |
G010.1 |
Misc |
Twelve Famous Plays of the Restoration and Eighteenth
Century |
G014.1 |
Bulfinch |
G015.1 |
Cervantes |
G013.1 |
Carlyle |
G016.1 |
Wolfe |
G017.1 |
Browning |
G023.1 |
Tolstoy |
G022.1 |
Strachey |
G019.1 |
Homer |
G024.1 |
Lamb |
G018.1 |
Ibsen |
G020.1 |
Symonds |
G021.1 |
Symonds |
G026.1 |
Marx |
G025.1 |
Gilbert etc. |
G028.1 |
Carroll |
G029.1 |
Prescott |
G030.1 |
Myers |
G027.1 |
Darwin |
G036.1 |
Dostoyevsky |
G037.1 |
Hawthorne |
G031.1 |
Werfel |
G035.1 |
Bury |
G033.1 |
Collins |
G034.1 |
Nietzsche |
G032.1 |
Smith |
G039.1 |
Freud |
G040.1 |
Poe |
G038.1 |
Rolland |
G042.1 |
Tennyson |
G041.1 |
Farrell |
G047.1 |
Misc |
G043.1 |
Dewey |
G048.1 |
Misc |
G046.1 |
Misc |
G045.1 |
Lewisohn |
G044.1 |
Dos Passos |
G051.1 |
Eliot |
G050.1 |
Whitman |
G054.1 |
Fielding |
G049.1 |
Twain |
G052.1 |
Joyce |
G053.1 |
Sue |
G057.1 |
Brooks |
G058.1 |
Malraux |
G055.1 |
O'Neill |
G056.1 |
Sterne |
G060.1 |
Dostoyevsky |
G020.2 |
Lincoln |
G059.1 |
Hemingway |
G021.2 |
Misc |
G061.1 |
Spaeth |
G022.2 |
Clausewitz |
G062.1 |
Pushkin |
G063.1 |
Misc |
G065.1 |
Rabelais |
G064.1 |
Melville |
G067.1 |
Misc |
G058.2 |
Austen |
G069.1 |
Misc |
G067.2 |
Misc |
G070.1 |
Donne & Blake |
G006.2 |
Gibbon |
G007.2 |
Gibbon |
G008.2 |
Gibbon |
G011.2 |
Montaigne |
G048.2 |
Misc |
G046.2 |
Misc |
G068.1 |
Fast/Paine |
G018.2 | Ibsen | Eleven Plays |
G072.1 |
Misc |
G071.1 |
Misc |
G011.3 |
James H. |
G073.1 |
Misc |
G009.2 |
De Quincey |
G022.3 |
Misc |
G074.1 |
Augustine |
G013.2 |
Carlyle |
G075.1 |
Stevenson |
G019.2 |
Homer |
G054.2 |
Misc |
G057.2 |
Melville |
G076.1 |
Grimm etc. |
G077.1 |
Misc |
G009.3 |
Misc |
G078.1 |
Holmes |
G056.2 |
Misc |
G080.1 |
Dreiser |
G059.2 |
Misc |
G079.1 |
Misc |
G031.2 |
Misc |
G045.2 |
Misc |
G081.1 |
Misc |
G082.1 |
Faulkner |
G016.2 |
Misc |
G084.1 |
Mann |
G038.2 |
Murasaki |
G083.1 |
Misc |
G052.2 |
Joyce |
G086.1 |
Pasternak |
G085.1 |
Misc |
G088.1 |
O'Hara |
G087.1 |
Misc |
G089.1 |
Misc |
G090.1 |
Misc |
G091.1 |
Spenser |
G023.2 |
Tolstoy |
G092.1 |
Spengler |
G015.2 |
Cervantes |
G093.1 |
Misc |
G094.1 |
Cooper |
G066.1 |
Misc |
G097.1 |
Balzac |
G098.1 |
Hersey |
G095.1 |
Brockway |
G064.2 |
Thomas |
G080.2 |
Nietzsche |
G044.2 |
De Beauvoir |
G096.1 |
James W. |
G100.1 |
Lewis |
G073.2 |
Gogol |
G099.1 |
Olmsted |
G102.1 |
Misc |
G101.1 |
Bewley |