Notes on Cervantes' Don Quixote

This title came out in a total of six editions -- three editions in the regular series, two in the giant series, and one in the illustrated series with Dali illustrations. The regular series had three different introductions (Brickell, Doyle, and Putnam), and two translators (Motteaux for the first two and Putnam for the third). The giants had two introductions (the same as the first and third regular introductions) and two translators (the same as the regular translators). All three regulars used series number 174, and both giants used series number G15. The illustrated used the Motteaux translation.

The first printing of the 1930 regular edition has a blind-stamped torchbearer (no gilding) on the front cover.

The first printing of the Putnam giant (1965) has an erratum laid in pointing to a few pages that had been printed in the incorrect order but which would be corrected in the next printing.

The Illustrated edition had two printings. The first printing (fall 1946) was for 15,000 copies and the second in 1947 was for 5,000 copies. On the copyright page the first printing states: "DESIGNED BY GEORGE SALTER. Copyright, 1946, by Random House, Inc. Manufactured in the United States of America. Printed by Parkway Printing Co., and bound by H. Wolff"; the later printing leaves out the reference to Parkway Printing and attributes both the printing and binding to Wolff.

Leftover book blocks of the illustrated edition were bound in standard #8 bindings; very few of these have been reported. One of these reported copies seems particularly anomalous: it leaves out the twenty color illustration pages, has an abbreviated title page without either the illustration or a credit to Dali for the included B&W illustrations, and the back of the title page is blank with no copyright.

First copyright page text:     First Modern Library Edition (regular)
                                                [ none (giant) ]

First binding style:     5 (regular); G3 (giant)

First inverse DJ number:     175 (regular); 225 (giant)

Dates in print:     1930 - 1950 (regular); 1934 - 1965 (giant)
                              1950 - 1964 (regular)
                              1964 - 1970 (regular); 1965 - 1975,  1977 - 1986(?) (giants)

Toledano numbers:   174.1 (reg Brickell intro)
                                    174.2 (reg Doyle intro)
                                    174.3 (reg Putnam intro)
                                    G015.1 (giant Brickell intro)
                                    G015.2 (giant Putnam intro)

Confirmed DJ back styles (174.1):   d, g, h2, h5
Confirmed binding styles (174.1):   52, 8

Confirmed DJ back styles (G015.1):   Gb, Gd, Gg
Confirmed binding styles (G015.1):   G3, G5

Confirmed DJ back styles (174.2):   h5, i
Confirmed binding styles (174.2):   8 - 10

Confirmed MLCE Covers (T006.1):   -

Confirmed DJ back styles (174.3):   k, l2, o2
Confirmed binding styles (174.3):   11 - 14

Confirmed DJ back styles (G015.2):   Gg, Gh2
Confirmed binding styles (G015.2):   G6, G7

Confirmed DJ back styles (60438-5):   Gk3
Confirmed binding styles (60438-5):   

Confirmed buckram sighting?      yes  [1964 giant]

Intro author:     Herschell Brickell (1930 regular; 1934 giant)
                            Henry Grattan Doyle (1950 regular)
                            Samuel Putnam (1964 regular; 1965 giant)

Genre:     Novel

Curriculum:     Renaissance

Original language:      Spanish

Translator:     Peter Motteux (1930 & 1950 regular; 1934 giant)
                         Samuel Putnam (1964 regular; 1965 giant)

Thanks to:

Henry Toledano Barry Neavill Darrell Johnson
Bill Hornick W. Clements  

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