BookNotes Feature

Author pages have a small Information icon ( ) next to each title. Clicking the icon brings up information about that title. The amount and type of info associated with a given title varies. But BookNotes for every title includes:
  • first edition points, including:
    • copyright page text if any
    • binding style
    • inverse DJ number or B-L catalog number
    • titles to look for in back-of-book and DJ inverse lists (where necessary)
  • list of all known binding styles in which the title was printed
  • dates in print
  • title's genre
  • title's original language

If appropriate (and available), other points will include:

  • general comments about the title including other first edition identifiers (such as DJ color or DJ reverse style), printing runs, and the like
  • name(s) of the writer(s) of the foreword, preface, and/or introduction
  • place the title might hold in a liberal arts curriculum
  • translator(s) of the title if it was originally in a language other than English

Click here to see a stylized example and infinite details.

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