The ModernLib Modern Library database contains images and information about individual Modern Library titles (1917-1991) largely unavailable elsewhere in the Web or in printed form. It supplants and largely replaces information in the Toledano Guide. The database is the heart of ModernLib. ImagesThe database contains thousands of dust jacket and related images, many enhanced or reconstructed from original scans in an attempt to represent ideal states, and includes a wide variety of variations and types: pictorials, design types, and all text styles found on flexie's and hardbacks; illustrated edition acetates and box images as well as the illustrations themselves; and P-series numbered paperbacks (as opposed to the college paperback editions). A dust jacket might be missing from the database because no one has submitted an image. (Click here to see a table of dust jackets likely to be missing from the database.) If you have a qualifying dust jacket that isn't shown, please let me know: The database will grow only as collectors like you submit new entries. DJ DatesA date range above a dust jacket (for example 1926 - 1929) refers to the earliest and latest dates that ModernLibbers have reported for that DJ, or whose dates have been inferred based on DJ design knowledge. This provides a fairly certain date range that jacket was in use. This range will change as new dates are spotted. A single date without any other qualifying text above a dust jacket (for example 1937) refers to the only reported copy—it doesn't mean that the jacket image shown is a first printing dust jacket. A question mark [as in 1940(?) - 1970] indicates a logically inferred date but that could be a year or so off either way. Sometimes you'll see a + after the second date (as in 1970+ or 1971+), indicating that an ISBN number appears on the DJ (usually on the back) pointing to an indeterminate date between 1971 and 1975. Titles published in January usually had jackets with catalogs from the previous fall. So a book with a publication date of, say, 1929 could show a 1928 dust jacket listing. If you have a dust jacket in that style that falls outside the listed range, please report it! Access to Information: Key to Symbols & IconsAll titles on each Author page have at least one clickable icon associated with them. Most have more. Here's what clicking an icon brings up:
Where the name of a dust jacket's designer/illustrator appears below a DJ image, click the name to go to a gallery of other DJs by the same designer/illustrator. If the name isn't clickable, the immediate DJ is the only one currently confirmed as his/her design. You'll also find that most pages end in this Running Torchbearer icon: How the Database is OrganizedIndividual titles are grouped under their author's name and are displayed with all accumulated dust jacket variations and specific information (such as first edition points) grouped by title. For example, there are nine dust jacket variations shown for Whitman's Leaves of Grass. As well as a general index to the entire Website, indexes exist with a variety of focuses: You can search by author, book title within publishing formats (regular issues, giants, numbered paperbacks), or genre. In addition to these composite indexes, separate searches exist for all illustrated issues, for dust jacket images created by specific designers, for anthologies of works written by multiple authors, and the pictorial djs of the 1930's (Toledano types Dj 6 & Dj 7). This last search presents a visual index—clicking an image brings you to that author's page. Here are the indexes: AuthorsTitles
Graphical IndexesSpecialties
General Access to Entire Site
About the Reliability of InformationInformation in the databaseindeed, information throughout this Websitewas gathered from sources that I believe to be reliable. But I couldn't check out every purported fact, observation, first edition point, etc. to verify the information. ModernLib is a cooperative venture: If you find something that isn't true, please let me know and I'll update it. |