Modern Library Collecting - covering all aspects of the Modern Library books series 1917-1991

[Modern Library graphic]

[Modern Library graphic]Collecting the Modern Library[Modern Library graphic]

~ Serving the ML Collector by standing on the shoulders of giants since July 18, 1996 ~

Our Motto: "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." — Groucho Marx

Entire site © 1996 - 2024 Scot Kamins & Ron Holl except where separate copyright noted


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Welcome to Collecting the Modern Library, the most complete published source available anywhere for information, discussion, and leads on all aspects of collecting books published with the Modern Library imprint from 1917 through 1996. This website is brought to you through the courtesy of its financial and content contributors. Your active participation is earnestly solicited.

To learn how to best use this Website, read About This Website and Introduction To The ModernLib Database.

New collectors might begin by reading the articles Getting Started: A Gentle Introduction to Modern Library Collecting, and History of the Modern Library. Next you might browse The Modern Library FAQ.

Experienced collectors should check out Barry Neavill's extraordinary Modern Library bibliography at A Bibliography of the Modern Library, 1925 - 1959.

To look at the personal side of collecting—what's in visitors' collections, books they recommend, what they're reading now—and to add your own bookish information, see the Amenities section.

Be sure to join the free non-commercial Modern Library e-Mail Discussion Group.

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Last update: October 6, 2024




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